Center For Ocean Sciences Education Excellence COSEE Pacific Partnerships
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Sue  Cook -

Sue Cook, Ph.D.

Ocean Research & Conservation Association

Primary Investigator

Primary COSEE Affiliation: Florida

Other affiliations:

Interaction with COSEE Network:

Dr. Cook was the NSF Program Officer for COSEE from 2001-2004 and co-PI/PI for the COSEE Central Coordinating Office from 2004 to 2009. Dr. Cook directed the work of the first network coordinating group at the Consortium for Ocean Leadership from 2004 - 2008. The office successfully coordinated 35 COSEE Council & Network meetings, ran 5 National Advisory Committee meetings, organized and hosted 4 specialty workshops and community outreach events at professional meetings, developed a COSEE brochure and exhibit backdrop and edited a special COSEE 5 year report published in Current (the Journal of Marine Education). Dr. Cook managed subcontracts for evaluation and website operations and secured additional funding from NOAA and ONR.

Background with Respect to Ocean Sciences Education:

Dr. Cook has 27 years of experience leading ocean education programs. She was the PI for for the National Ocean Sciences Bowl (NOSB) from 2007-2009. NOSB is a national ocean-focused competition for high school students with regional competitions hosted at 25 research and educational institutions. Since the Year of the Ocean in 1998, over 10,000 student competitors have benefited from increased ocean knowledge, an increased capacity to learn independently and in cooperative groups, and an increased interest in ocean careers.

She was also the Co-PI for the SSU-HBOI Undergraduate Summer Program: A Bridge to Research for Minority Students in the Marine Sciences. OCE9402527, 9619707, 9912343. June 1994 - May 2004. In this pre-REU program for underrepresented minority students, lower division undergraduates (and juniors without research experience) were introduced to marine science during 4 weeks of academic work at Savannah State University. In the final 5 weeks, teams of 2-3 students completed group research projects. The program included a research cruise to learn oceanographic techniques and concluded with student oral and written presentations. During the program’s 10 years 97 minority students participated with 63% of graduates continuing on to work in the marine sciences or graduate work in the sciences (2000 data).

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