Center For Ocean Sciences Education Excellence COSEE Pacific Partnerships
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Kym  Jacobson -
Contact Info:

Fish Ecology Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service
2030 SE Marine Science Dr.
OSU Hatfield Marine Science Center
Newport, 97365
Phone: (541) 867-0375

Kym Jacobson

Fish Ecology Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service

Participating Scientist

Primary COSEE Affiliation:

Other affiliations:
- Pacific Partnerships

Background with Respect to Ocean Sciences Education:

Most of my background that has prepared me to participate in ocean sciences education has not come from my degree training but from my work experience with NOAA Fisheries during the past eleven years.  Being part of a large collaborative research group forced me to learn a much broader spectrum of marine sciences than staying within my own training.

Selected Publications:

1.) *Jacobson, K.C*., D. Teel, D.M. VanDoornik and E. Casillas. 2008. Parasite associated mortality of juvenile Pacific salmon caused by the trematode /Nanophyetus salmincola/ during early marine residence. Marine Ecology Progress Series 354:235-244.
2.) Baldwin, R., T.W. Miller, R.D. Brodeur,* K.C. Jacobson*. 2008. Expanding the foraging history of juvenile salmon: Combining stomach content and macroparasite community analyses for studying marine diets. Journal of Fish Biology 72:1268-1294.
3.) Trudel, M., S.R.M. Jones, M.E. Thiess, J.F.T. Morris, D.W. Welch, R.M. Sweeting, J.H. Moss, B.L. Wing, E.V. Farley, Jr., J.M. Murphy, R.E. Baldwin, and *K.C. Jacobson.*^ 2007. Infestations of motile salmon lice (/Lepeophtheirus salmonis/) on Pacific salmon along the west coast of North America. American Fisheries Society Symposium 57:157-182.
4.) Arkoosh, M.R., E. Clemons, A.N. Kagley, C. Stafford, A.C. Glass, *K.C. Jacobson,* P. Reno, M.S. Myers, E. Casillas, F. Loge, L.L. Johnson, and T. K. Collier. 2004. Survey of pathogens in juvenile salmon /Oncorhynchus/ spp. migrating through Pacific Northwest Estuaries. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 16:186-196.
5.) Olson, R.E., J.R. Pierce, *K.C. Jacobson*, and E.M. Burreson. 2004. Temporal changes in the prevalence of parasites in two Oregon estuary-dwelling fishes. Journal of Parasitology 90(3), 564-571.

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